Name: Chenglin Chang
Position: PhD, Associate Professor
Institution: Chongqing University, China
Email: chenglinchang@cqu.edu.cn
Major: Chemical Engineering
Work Service: Review Editor of Frontiers in Thermal Engineering (2020-Present)
Research Area: Process System Engineering
Research Interest:
(1) Deterministic Global Optimization Algorithm of MINLP Problem
(2) Heat Exchanger Networks Synthesis and Retrofit
(3) Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design
(4) Hydrogen Network Synthesis and Retrofit
(5) Waste Water Management Problem, Blending Problem
(6) Data Driven Modelling and Optimization
(7) Hybrid Deterministic-Stochastic Algorithm
(8) Heat Transfer Enhancement
Professional Appointments:
(1) 2023.01-Present: Associate Professor, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
(2) 2022.02-2022.10: Assistant Professor, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
(1) 2014.09-2019.06, PhD in China University of Petroleum, Beijing (Supervisor: Prof. Xiao Feng)
(2) 2017.10-2018.10, Visiting PHD in The University of Oklahoma, USA (Supervisor: Prof. Miguel J. Bagajewicz)
(3) 2012.09-2014.06, Master in China University of Petroleum, Beijing (Supervisor: Prof. Xiao Feng)
(4) 2008.09-2012.06, Bachelor in Hefei University of Technology
Research Project:
(1) Research on Linear Mathematical Models and Global Optimization Algorithms for Heat Exchange Network Design.
Fun ded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. 2021.01-2023.12. 36,000 $ in total.
(2) China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. General Funding. Research on mathematical models and deterministic
algorithms for heat exchange network transformation. 2020.05-2022.02, 12,000$ in total.
(3) China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. Special Funding. Research on complementary optimization of renewable
hydrogen, electricity and low-temperature heat in petrochemical enterprises. 2019.08-2022.02, 25,000 $ in total.
Publication Lists:
(1) Chenglin Chang, Lin Q, Liao Z, Wang J, Yang Y. Globally optimal design of refinery hydrogen networks with pressure discretization. Chemical Engineering Science. 2022, 247: 117021.
(2) Chenglin Chang, Liao Z, Costa A.L.H, Bagajewicz MJ. Globally optimal synthesis of heat exchanger networks. Part III: Non-isothermal mixing in minimal and non-minimal networks. AIChE Journal. 2021, 67: e17393.
(3) Chenglin Chang, Liao Z, Costa A.L.H, Bagajewicz MJ. Globally optimal synthesis of heat exchanger networks. Part II: Non-minimal networks. AIChE Journal. 2020, 66: e16264.
(4) Chenglin Chang, Peccini A, Wang Y, Costa A.L.H, Bagajewicz MJ. Globally optimal synthesis of heat exchanger networks. Part I: Minimal networks. AIChE Journal. 2020, 66: e162667.
(5) Chenglin Chang, Liao Z, Costa A.L.H, Bagajewicz MJ. Globally optimal design of intensified shell and tube heat exchangers using complete set trimming. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 2022, 158: 107644.
(6) Chenglin Chang, Liao Z, Bagajewicz MJ. New superstructure-based model for the globally optimal synthesis of refinery hydrogen networks. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 292: 126022.
(7) Chenglin Chang. A mathematical model for refinery hydrogen network synthesis integrating multi-stage compressors. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2022, 47: 37677-37693.
(8) Chenglin Chang, Shen WF. Global optimization of the design of intensified shell and tube heat exchanger using tube inserts. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2023, Accepted.
(9) Chenglin Chang, Wang Y, Feng X. Optimal synthesis of multi-plant heat exchanger networks considering both direct and indirect methods. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2020, 28: 456-465.
(10) Chenglin Chang, Wang Y, Ma J, Chen X, Feng X. An energy hub approach for direct interplant heat integration. Energy. 2018, 159: 878-890.
(11) Chenglin Chang, Chen X, Wang Y, Feng X. Simultaneous synthesis of multi-plant heat exchanger networks using process streams across plants. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 2017, 101: 95-109.
(12) Chenglin Chang, Chen X, Wang Y, Feng X. Simultaneous optimization of multi-plant heat integration using intermediate fluid circles. Energy. 2017, 121: 306-317.
(13) Chenglin Chang, Chen X, Wang Y, Feng X. An efficient optimization algorithm for waste Heat Integration using a heat recovery loop between two plants. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2016, 105: 799-806.
(14) Chenglin Chang, Wang Y, Feng X. Indirect heat integration across plants using hot water circles. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2015, 23: 992-997.
(15) Song R#, Chenglin Chang #, Tang Q, Wang Y, Feng X, EI-Halwagi MM. The implementation of inter-plant heat integration among multiple plants. Part II: The mathematical model. Energy. 2017, 135: 382-393.
(16) Chenglin Chang, Wang Y, Feng X, Zhang P. Efficient Solution Strategy for Stage-wise MINLP Model of Interplant Heat Integration using Heat Recovery Loop. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 2015, 45: 67-72.
(17) Chenglin Chang, Wang Y, Feng X, Zhang P. A Two Step Methodology for Inter-Plant Heat Integration Design. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 2015, 45: 73-79.
(18) Yang L, Liu S, Chenglin Chang, Yang S, Shen W. An efficient and invertible machine learning-driven multi-objective optimization architecture for light olefins separation system. Chemical Engineering Science. 2024, 285: 119553.
(19) Dong X, Zhang C, Peng X, Chenglin Chang, Liao Z, Yang Y, Sun J, Wang J, Yang Y. Simultaneous design of heat integrated water allocation networks considering all possible splitters and mixers. Energy. 2022, 238: 121916.
(20) Lin Q, Chenglin Chang, Liao Z, Sun J, Jiang B, Wang J, Yang Y. Efficient Strategy for the Synthesis of Work and Heat Exchange Networks. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2021, 60: 1756-1773.
(21) Wang Y, Wan Z, Chenglin Chang, Feng X. A game theory based method for inter-plant heat integration considering cost allocation. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2020, 28: 1652-1660.
(22) Zhang Z, Deng C, Chenglin Chang, Kong F, Lee J, Denny K, Feng X. Optimal Design of a UF-RO Treatment System for Shale Gas Fracturing Flowback Wastewater. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2020, 59: 5905-5920.
(23) Ma J, Chenglin Chang, Wang Y, Feng X. Multi-objective optimization of multi-period interplant heat integration using steam system. Energy. 2018, 159: 950-960.
(24) Wang Y, Chenglin Chang, Feng X. A systematic framework for multi-plants heat integration combining direct and indirect heat integration methods. Energy. 2015, 90: 56-57.
(25) Wang Y, Feng X, Chenglin Chang. Heat integration between plants with combined integration patterns. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 2014, 39: 1747-1752.
(26) Chen X, Chenglin Chang, Wang Y, Feng X. An energy hub approach for multiple-plants heat integration. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 2016, 52: 571-576.