博士,副教授,硕士生导师(化学方向、化学工程与技术方向;学硕、专硕)。1996年武汉理工大学本科毕业,2003年6月太阳成集团硕士毕业,2009年6月太阳成集团工学博士毕业。2009年10月-2010年10月美国佛罗里达理工大学访问学者。主持了教育部产学合作项目1项,主持了重庆市自然科学基金2项,主持了中央高校基金1项,主研了国家自然科学基金等各类项目10余项。以通讯作者/第一作者在国内外期刊发表学术论文30余篇。 |
Tel: 15923082407;
[1]Qing Zheng(郑箐20级硕士), Yiwen Luo, Zhiyong Luo(罗志勇)*, Carbonate and bicarbonate ions impacts on the reactivity of ferrate(VI) for 3,4-dichlorophenol removal, Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2023,30,27241-27256. (JCR1区,IF2022=5.800)
[2]Mei Dai(代梅19级硕士), Zhiyong Luo(罗志勇)*, Yiwen Luo, Indirect spectrophotometric determination of aqueous ferrate(VI) based on its reaction with iodide in acidic media [J]. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2022,278:121301. (JCR1区,IF2021=4.831)
[3]Mei Dai(代梅19级硕士), Zhiyong Luo(罗志勇)*, Yiwen Luo, Qing Zheng and Bingwen Zhang, Degradation of 2,6-dichlorophenol by ferrate(VI) oxidation: Kinetics, performance, and mechanism[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021,278:119475. (JCR1区,IF2021=9.136)
[4]Meng Zhang(张梦19级硕士), Zhiyong Luo(罗志勇)*, Yiwen Luo, Jun Zhai, Zhihui Wang, pH influence on 2,4,6-trichlorophenol degradation by ferrate(VI) [J]. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2021,23:101683. (JCR1区,IF2021=7.758)
[5]Xiaowu Dan(但晓武18级硕士), Zhiyong Luo(罗志勇)*, Mei Dai, Meng Zhang, Xiao Yue, Shili Xie, Oxidative degradation of p-chlorophenol by ferrate(VI): Kinetics, intermediates and pathways [J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2021,9:105810. (JCR1区, IF2021=7.968)
[6]Zhiyong Luo*, Xueming Li, Jun Zhai. Kinetic investigations of quinoline oxidation by ferrate(VI) [J]. Environmental Technology, 2016, 37(10):1249-1256.
[7]Bingzhi Liu, Zhiyong Luo*, Huai-li Zheng, Lei Jiang. Study on the catalytic kinetic spectrophotometric determination of Trace Amounts of iron(III) and its reaction mechanism[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,2016,36(4): 1139-1144.
[8]Zhiyong Luo*, Huai-li Zheng. Determination of Trace Amounts of Nitrite and Its Chemical Reaction Kinetics [J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2014, 34(6):1619-1623.
[9]Zhiyong Luo, Meagan Strouse, JIA-QIAN JIANG, V. K. Sharma. Methodologies for the analytical determination of ferrate(VI):A Review [J]. Journal of Environmental Science And Health(Part A), 2011,46(5):453-460.
[10]Zhiyong Luo*, Maobing Chen, Shengtao Zhang. The preparation of high performance carbon electrode in electrochemical oxygen generato [J]. Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 2008, 4: 57-61,70.
[11]Zhiyong Luo*, Shengtao Zhang, Huiming Zhao. Recent Progress of the Catalytic Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Amounts of Nitrite [J]. The Proceedings of the China Association for Science and Technology,2007, 3:442-448.
[14]罗志勇*, 张胜涛,郑泽根.高容量绿色电池材料高铁酸盐的研究进展[J].材料导报A,2014,28(12):123-127.
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