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主要从事人工智能溶剂/药物开发、智能化工系统、化工过程模拟、设计与优化、化工系统节能降碳等研究工作。以第一作者或通讯联系人发表SCI论文70余篇, 其中包括化工三大刊:AIChE J4篇)、Chem. Eng. Sci.1篇)、Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.19篇),化工系统工程顶刊:Comput. Chem. Eng.,绿色生态类:Green ChemistryJ. Clean. Prod.,能源类:Energ. Convers. Manage. Energy5篇文章入选ESI1%高被引论文,1篇入选ESI1热点论文。长期为AIChE Journal20余家SCI期刊审稿。多次在未来论坛「AI+化学与制药」,中美化学工程会议,全国过程模拟与仿真会议,SCPPE等重要国内外学术会议上作主题邀请报告或Keynote报告。参加国家自然科学基金委化学五处十四五规划及书稿《化学工程发展战略:高端化、绿色化、智能化》编写,共同主编Springer出版社英文学术专著《Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Process Systems Engineering》。申请发明专利10项,授权3项。主持包括国家自然科学基金委:优青项目、面上项目、青年项目,国家重点研发计划子课题,重庆市面上项目,重庆市社会民生类应用示范,留学人员回国创新支持计划,中央高校重点项目等国家、省部级、中央高校等项目10余项。

联系方式  Contact Information

Dr. Weifeng Shen has worked as a Professor in chemical engineering at Chongqing University since Jan. 2016. He obtained his PhD in 2012 at University of Toulouse, France. He worked as a Research Associate at Clarkson University, USA, from 2012 to 2015. He has published more than 70 papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals including AIChE J, Chem. Eng. Sci., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Green Chemistry, Energ. Convers. Manage., Energy, J. Clean. Prod., Comput. Chem. Eng.


School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China.

Email: shenweifeng@cqu.edu.cn  

Tel:  +86-18502300950

研究方向  Research Interests


Intelligent Chemical Process System / AI Aided developments of green and safe solvent and chemicals


Conceptual design and development / Intelligent optimization and advanced control of chemical processes


Process Systems Engineering / Energy Conservation and CO2 Emissions Reduction



主持国家自然科学基金优青项目 (No.22122802; 2022.01-2024.12)

主持国家自然科学基金面上项目 (No.21878028; 2019.01-2022.12)

主持国家自然科学基金青年项目 (No.21606026; 2017.01-2019.12)

主持国家重点研发计划专项项目子课题 (No.2017YFB0603105; 2018.09-2020.09)

主持重庆市自然科学基金面上项目 (No.CSTC2016JCYJA0474; 2016.09-2019.09)

主持重庆市技术创新与应用示范项目 (No.cstc2018jscx-msybX0336; 2018.09-2021.09)

主持中央高校重点项目 (结题评为优秀)(No.106112017CDJQJ228809; 2017.01-2018.12)

主持中央高校重点项目 (No.2019CDQYHG021; 2019.01-2020.12)

代表作 Selected Publications(# 为第一作者太阳成集团研究生 * 为通讯作者)

16. Wen H.Q.#, Su Y, Wang Z.H., Jin S.M., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, and Mario Eden. A systematic DNN-based QSPR modeling methodology for rapid and reliable prediction on flashpoints of chemicals. AIChE Journal, 2021, DOI:10.22541/au.162206662.29993062/v1.

15. Su Y.#, Wang Z.H., Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Ren J.Z., Mario Eden, An Architecture of Deep Learning in QSPR Modeling for the Prediction of Critical Properties Using Molecular Signatures. AIChE Journal, 2019, 65(9), e16678.(化学工程顶级期刊,亮点报道

14. Yang A.#, Shen W.F.*, Wei S.A., Dong L.C., Li, J., Gerbaud, V. Design and control of pressure-swing distillation for separating ternary systems with three binary minimum azeotropes. AIChE Journal, 2019, 65,1281-1293. (化学工程顶级期刊,ESI高被引

13.Shen W.F., Dong L.C., Wei S.A., Li J.*, Benyounes H., You X.Q., Gerbaud V. Systematic design of an extractive distillation for maximum-boiling azeotropes with heavy entrainers. AIChE Journal, 2015, 61(11), 3898–3910.(化学工程顶级期刊)

12. Shi T.#, Chun W., Yang A., Su Y., Jin S.M., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.* Optimization and control of energy saving side-stream extractive distillation with heat integration for separating Ethyl acetate-ethanol azeotrope. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2019, 215, 115373.(化学工程三大期刊,ESI高被引

11. Yang A.#, Zou H.C., Chien I.L., Wang D., Wei S.A., Ren J.Z., and Shen W.F.* Optimal design and effective control of triple-column extractive distillation for separating Ethyl Acetate/Ethanol/Water with multi-azeotrope. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019, 58, 7265−7283.(化学工程三大期刊,ESI高被引

10. Wang Z.H.#, Su Y.#, Shen W.F.*, Jin S.M.*, Clark J.H., Ren J.Z., Zhang X.P. Predictive deep learning models for environmental properties: the direct calculation of octanol-water partition coefficients from molecular graphs. Green Chemistry, 2019, 21, 4555-4565.

9.  Wang Z.H.#, Su Y., Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Ren J.Z., Zhang X. P., Clark J.H. A novel unambiguous strategy of molecular feature extraction in machine learning assisted predictive models for environmental properties. Green Chemistry, 2020, 22, 3867-3876.

8. Yang A.#, Su Y., Shen W.F.*, Chien I.L., Ren J.Z. Multi-objective optimization of organic Rankine cycle system for the waste heat recovery in the heat pump assisted reactive dividing wall column. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 199, 112041.

7. Yan C.L.#, Yang A., Chien I.L., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.*, Ren J.Z.* Advanced exergy analysis of organic Rankine Cycles for Fischer-Tropsch syngas production with parallel dry and steam methane reforming. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 199, 111963.

6. Yang A.#, Sun S.R., Eslamimanesh A., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.* Energy-saving investigation for diethyl carbonate synthesis through the reactive dividing wall column combining the vapor recompression heat pump or different pressure thermally coupled technique. Energy, 2019, 172, 320-332.(ESI高被引,ESI热点论文

5. Yang A.#, Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Cui P.Z.*, Chien I.L., Ren J.Z. Investigation of energy-saving azeotropic dividing wall column to achieve cleaner production via heat exchanger network and heat pump technique. J. Clean. Prod., 2019, 234, 410-422.

4. Yang A.#, Su Y., Chien I.L., Jin S.M., Yan C.L., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.* Investigation of an energy-saving double-thermally coupled extractive distillation for separating ternary system benzene/toluene/cyclohexane. Energy, 2019, 186, 115756.

13. Yang Y.#, Liu, J., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.*, Li J., Chien I.L. High-efficiency utilization of CO2 in the methanol production by a novel parallel-series system combining steam and dry methane reforming. Energy, 2018, 158, 820–829.

2. Su Y.#, Jin S.M., Zhang X.P., Shen W.F.*, Mario R. Eden, Ren J.Z., Stakeholder-oriented multi-objective process optimization based on an improved genetic algorithm. Comput. Chem. Eng., 2019, 132(4), 106618.

1. Hu Y.J.#, Su Y., Jin S.M., Chien I.L., Shen W.F.* Systematic approach for screening organic and ionic liquid solvents in homogeneous extractive distillation exemplified by the tert-butanol dehydration. Sep. Purif. Technol, 2019, 211, 723–737.ESI高被引

发表论文 Publications  (# 为第一作者太阳成集团研究生 * 为通讯作者)


70. Wen H.Q.#, Su Y, Wang Z.H., Jin S.M., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, and Mario Eden. A systematic DNN-based QSPR modeling methodology for rapid and reliable prediction on flashpoints of chemicals. AIChE Journal, 2021, DOI:10.22541/au.162206662.29993062/v1.

69. Yang A.#, Su Y, Wang Z.H., Jin S.M., Ren J.Z., Zhang X.P., Shen W.F.*, James H. Clark. A multi-task deep learning neural network for predicting flammability-related properties from molecular structures. Green Chemistry, 2021, 23, 4451-4465.

68. Yuan B.H.#, Yang Z.N., Yang A., Tao J.Q., Ren J.Z., Wei S.A.*, Shen W.F.* Target localization optimization of a superstructure triple-column extractive distillation with four-parallel evaporator organic Rankine cycles system based on advanced exergy analysis. Sep. Purif. Technol, 2021, 272, 18894.

67. Yang A.#, Su Y., Shi T., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, Zhou T. Energy-efficient recovery of tetrahydrofuran and ethyl acetate by triple-column extractive distillation: entrainer design and process optimization. Front. Chem. Sci. Eng, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s11705-021-2044-z.


66. Wang Z.H.#, Su Y., Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Ren J.Z., Zhang X. P., Clark J.H. A novel unambiguous strategy of molecular feature extraction in machine learning assisted predictive models for environmental properties. Green Chemistry, 2020, 22, 3867-3876. 

65. Su Y.#, Yang A.#, Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Cui P.Z., Ren J.Z. Investigation on ternary system tetrahydrofuran/ethanol/water with three azeotropes separation via the combination of reactive and extractive distillation. J. Clean. Prod., 2020, 273, 123145. 

64. Yang A.#, Su Y., Teng L.M.*, Jin S.M., Zhou T., Shen W.F.* Investigation of energy-efficient and sustainable reactive/pressure-swing distillation processes to recover tetrahydrofuran and ethanol from the industrial effluent. Sep. Purif. Technol, 2020, 250, 117210

63. Sun S.R.#, Chun W., Yang A., Shen W.F.*, Cui P.Z., Ren, J.Z. The separation of ternary azeotropic mixture: Thermodynamic insight and improved multi-objective optimization. Energy, 2020, 206, 118117. 

62. Wang H.#, Su Y., Wang D, Jin S.M., Wei S.A..*, Shen W.F.* Optimal design and energy-saving investigation of the triple CO2 feeds for methanol production system by combining steam and dry methane reforming. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2020, 59, 1596-1606. 

61. Li Y.C.#, Wei R.X., Zhang R.Y., Shen W.F.*, Jin S.M*. In silico modelling of a novel refrigeration process of the ammonia/water falling-film absorption. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 59, 1362-1373.

60. 田璐瑶#, 王梓豪, 粟杨, 文华强, 申威峰*,. 基于深度学习的溶剂定量构效关系建模研究进展[J].化工学报, 2020, 71(10): 4462-4472.

59. 孙诗瑞#, 杨傲, 石涛, 申威峰*,. 特殊精馏热耦合强化技术研究进展[J]. 化工学报, 2020, 71(10): 4575-4589.

58. Hu Y.J.#, Li F.H., Wei S.A., Jin S.M.*, Shen W.F.*, Design and optimization of the efficient extractive distillation process for separating the binary azeotropic mixture methanol-acetone based on the quantum chemistry and conceptual design. Sep. Purif. Technol, 2020, 242, 116829.

57. Yang A.#, Chun W., Sun S.R., Shi T., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, Dynamic study in enhancing the controllability of an energy-efficient double side-stream ternary extractive distillation of acetonitrile/methanol/benzene with three azeotropes. Sep. Purif. Technol, 2020, 242, 116830. 

56. Gao Y.J.#, Liang K., Gou Y., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.*, Cheng F.Q.* Aluminum extraction technologies from high aluminum fly ash. Rev. in Chem. Eng., 2020. DOI: 10.1515/revce-2019-0032. 

55. Deng C.F., Su Y., Li F.H., Shen W.F. Chen Z.F.*, Tang, Q.* Understanding activity origin for the oxygen reduction reaction on bi-atom catalysts by DFT studies and machine-learning, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8(46), 24563-24571.

54. Feng Z.M.#, Shen W.F., Rangaiah G.P.*, Dong L.C.* Design and control of vapor recompression assisted extractive distillation for separating n-hexane and ethyl acetate. Sep. Purif. Technol, 2020, 240: 116655.

53. Ren, J.Z.*, Ren, X.S., Shen W.F., Man, Y., Lin, R.J., Liu, Y., He C., Manzardo A., Toniolo S., Dong, L.C.* Industrial system prioritization using the sustainability-interval-index conceptual framework with life-cycle considerations. AIChE Journal, 2020, 66(6), e16961.

52. Xu D.#, Li W.C., Ren X.S., Shen W.F., Dong L.C.* Technology selection for sustainable hydrogen production: A multi-criteria assessment framework under uncertainties based on the combined weights and interval best-worst projection method. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ., 2020, 45(59), 34396-34411.

51. Addouni M., Benyounes H.,* Jin S.M.,* Haddou B., Shen W.F.Extraction process design for the separation of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons using organic solvent, ionic liquid or their mixture: a comparative study. Braz. J. Chem. Eng., 2020, 37(1):, 307-322

50. Liang K.#, Jin S.M., Chen H.Z., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, Wei S.A.* Parametric optimization of packed bed for activated coal fly ash waste heat recovery using CFD techniques. Chinese J. Chem. Eng., 2020, 28, 518-525.

49. Su Y.#, Lv, L. P., Shen W.F.*,Wei S. A. An efficient technique for improving methanol yield using dual CO2 feeds and dry methane reforming. Front. Chem. Sci. Eng., 2020, 14, 614-628. 


48. Su Y.#, Wang Z.H., Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Ren J.Z., Mario Eden, An architecture of deep learning in QSPR modeling for the prediction of critical properties using molecular signatures. AIChE Journal, 2019, 65(9), e16678. (亮点报道)

47. Yang A.#, Shen W.F.*, Wei S.A., Dong L.C., Li, J., Gerbaud, V. Design and control of pressure-swing distillation for separating ternary systems with three binary minimum azeotropes. AIChE Journal, 2019, 65,1281-1293.ESI高被引

46. Wang Z.H.#, Su Y.#, Shen W.F.*, Jin S.M.*, Clark J.H., Ren J.Z., Zhang X.P. Predictive deep learning models for environmental properties: the direct calculation of octanol-water partition coefficients from molecular graphs. Green Chemistry, 2019, 21, 4555-4565.

45. Yang A.#, Su Y., Shen W.F.*, Chien I.L., Ren J.Z. Multi-objective optimization of organic Rankine cycle system for the waste heat recovery in the heat pump assisted reactive dividing wall column. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 199, 112041.

44. Yan C.L.#, Yang A., Chien I.L., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.*, Ren J.Z.* Advanced exergy analysis of organic Rankine Cycles for Fischer-Tropsch syngas production with parallel dry and steam methane reforming. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 199, 111963

43. Yang A.#, Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Cui P.Z.*, Chien I.L., Ren J.Z. Investigation of energy-saving azeotropic dividing wall column to achieve cleaner production via heat exchanger network and heat pump technique. J. Clean. Prod., 2019, 234, 410-422.

42. Su Y.#, Jin S.M., Zhang X.P., Shen W.F.*, Mario R. Eden, Ren J.Z., Stakeholder-oriented multi-objective process optimization based on an improved genetic algorithm. Comput. Chem. Eng., 2019, 132(4), 106618.

41. Shi T.#, Chun W., Yang A., Su Y., Jin S.M., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.* Optimization and control of energy saving side-stream extractive distillation with heat integration for separating Ethyl acetate-ethanol azeotrope. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2019, 215, 115373.ESI高被引

40. Yang A.#, Sun S.R., Eslamimanesh A., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.* Energy-saving investigation for diethyl carbonate synthesis through the reactive dividing wall column combining the vapor recompression heat pump or different pressure thermally coupled technique. Energy, 2019, 172, 320-332. ESI高被引,热点论文

39. Yang A.#, Su Y., Chien I.L., Jin S.M., Yan C.L., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.* Investigation of an energy-saving double-thermally coupled extractive distillation for separating ternary system benzene/toluene/cyclohexane. Energy, 2019, 186, 115756.

38. Yang A.#, Zou H.C., Chien I.L., Wang D., Wei S.A., Ren J.Z., and Shen W.F.* Optimal design and effective control of triple-column extractive distillation for separating Ethyl Acetate/Ethanol/Water with multi-azeotrope. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019, 58, 7265−7283. ESI高被引

37. Yang A.#, Shi T., Sun S.R., Wei S. A., Shen W.F.*, Ren J.Z. Dynamic controllability investigation of an energy-saving double side-stream ternary extractive distillation process, Sep. Purif. Technol, 2019, 225, 41-53.

36. Yang A.#, Sun S.R., Shi T., Xu D., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.* Energy-efficient extractive pressure-swing distillation for separating binary minimum azeotropic mixture dimethyl carbonate and ethanol. Sep. Purif. Technol, 2019, 229, 115817.

35. Shi T.#, Yang A., Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Wei S. A., Ren J.Z. Comparative optimal design and control of two alternative approaches for separating heterogeneous mixtures isopropyl alcohol-isopropyl acetate-water with four azeotropes. Sep. Purif. Technol, 2019, 225, 1-17.

34. Shi T.#, Chun W., Yang A., Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Ren J.Z., Gu J.L., The process control of the triple-column pressure-swing extractive distillation with partial heat integration, Sep. Purif. Technol, 2019, 116416.

33. Hu Y.J.#, Su Y., Jin S.M., Chien I.L., Shen W.F.* Systematic approach for screening organic and ionic liquid solvents in homogeneous extractive distillation exemplified by the tert-butanol dehydration. Sep. Purif. Technol, 2019, 211, 723–737. ESI高被引

32. Yan C.L.#, Lv L.P., Wei S.A., Eslamimanesh A., Shen W.F.* Application of retrofitted design and optimization framework based on the exergy analysis to a crude oil distillation plant. Appl. Therm. Eng., 2019, 154, 637-649.

31. Sun S.R.#, Yang A., Chien I.L., Shen W.F.*, Wei S.A., Ren J.Z., Zhang X.P. Intensification and performance assessment for synthesis of 2-methoxy-2-methyl-heptane through the combined use of different pressure thermally coupled reactive distillation and heat integration technique. Chem. Eng. Process, 2019, 142, 107561.封面文章

30. Li F.H.#, Bai M.N., Wei S.A., Jin S.M.,* Shen W.F.* Multi-dimension Insight Involving Experimental and in Silico Investigation into the Corrosion Inhibition of N,N-dibenzyl Dithiocarbamate Acid on Copper in Sulphuric Acid Solution. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019, 58(17), 7166-7178.(封面文章

29. Feng Z.M.#, Shen W.F., Rangaiah G. P.*, Lv L.P., Dong L.C.* Process development, assessment and control of reactive dividing-wall column with vapor recompression for producing N-Propyl Acetate, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019, 58 (1), 276–295.

28. Du J.C.#, Zhou C.L.*, Chen L., Cheng J., Pi P.H., Zuo J.H., Shen W.F., Jin S.M., Tan L.X., Dong L.C. Gate-Embedding strategy for pore size manipulation on stainless steel mesh: toward highly efficient water-in-oil nanoemulsions separation. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019, 58, 15288-15296.

27. Feng Z.M.#, Shen W.F., Rangaiah G.P.*, Dong L.C.* Closed-loop identification and model predictive control of extractive dividing-wall column. Chem. Eng. Process, 2019, 142, 107552.

26. Xiao C., Liao Q., Fu Q.*, Huang Y., Xia A., Shen W.F., Chen H., Zhu X. Exergy analyses of biogas production from microalgae biomass via anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 289, 121709.

25. Xu D.#, Li W.C., Shen W.F., Dong L.C.* Decision-Making for Sustainability Enhancement of Chemical Systems under Uncertainties: Combining the Vector-Based Multiattribute Decision-Making Method with Weighted Multiobjective Optimization Technique, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019, 58, 12066-12079.

24. Sun S.R.#, Lv L.P., Yang A., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.* Extractive distillation: advances in conceptual design, solvent selection, and separation strategies. Chinese J. Chem. Eng., 2019, 27 (6), 1247–1256.


23. Yang A.#, Wei R.X., Sun S.R., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.*, Chien I.L. Energy-saving optimal design and effective control of heat integration-extractive dividing wall column for separating heterogeneous mixture Methanol/Toluene/Water with multiazeotropes. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2018, 57 (23), 8036–8056.

22. Liu J.#, Yang Y., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.*, Rakovitis N., Li, J.* Intensified P-xylene production process through toluene and methanol alkylation. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2018, 57 (38), 12829–12841.

21. Wei R.X.#, Yan C.L., Yang A., Shen W.F.*, Li J. Improved process design and optimization of 200 kt/a Ethylene Glycol production using coal-based syngas. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 2018, 132, 551–563. 

20. Gu J.L.#, You X.Q., Tao C.Y., Li J.*, Shen W.F.*, Li J. Improved design and optimization for separating Tetrahydrofuran-Water azeotrope through extractive distillation with and without heat integration by varying pressure. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 2018, 133, 303–313. 

19. Belabbas A. B. T. W., Benyounes H.*, Haddou B., Shen W.F.* Improved design of the lurgi reactor for methanol synthesis industry. Chem. Eng. Technol., 2018, 41 (10), 2043–2052.

18. Yang Y.#, Liu, J., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.*, Li J., Chien I.L. High-efficiency utilization of CO2 in the methanol production by a novel parallel-series system combining steam and dry methane reforming. Energy, 2018, 158, 820–829.

17. Yi C.C., Shen W.F., Chien I.L.* Design and control of an energy-efficient alternative process for the separation of methanol/toluene/water ternary azeotropic mixture. Sep. Purif. Technol, 2018, 207,489–497.

16. Feng Z.M.#, Shen W.F., Rangaiah G.P.*, Dong L.C.* Proportional-integral control and model predictive control of extractive dividing-wall column based on temperature differences. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2018, 57 (31), 10572–10590.


15. Yang A.#, Lv L.P., Shen W.F.*, Dong L.C., Li J., Xiao X. Optimal design and effective control of the tert-Amyl Methyl Ether production process using an integrated reactive dividing wall and pressure swing columns. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017, 56 (49), 14565–14581.

14. Seihoub F., Benyounes H., Shen W.F.*, Gerbaud V. An Improved shortcut design method of divided wall columns exemplified by a liquefied petroleum gas process. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017, 56 (34), 9710–9720.

13. You X.Q.#, Gu J.L., Peng C.J., Shen W.F.*, Liu H.L.* Improved design and optimization for separating azeotropes with heavy component as distillate through energy-saving extractive distillation by varying pressure. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017, 56 (32), 9156–9166.

12. Xu.D.#, Lv.L.P., Ren J.Z.*, Shen W.F., Wei S.A., Dong L.C.* Life cycle sustainability assessment of chemical processes: a vector-based three-dimensional algorithm coupled with AHP. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017, 56 (39), 11216–11227.


11. Shen W.F., Dong L.C., Wei S.A., Li J.*, Benyounes H., You X.Q., Gerbaud V. Systematic Design of Extractive Distillation for Maximum-boiling Azeotropes with Heavy Entrainers. AIChE J., 2015, 61(11), 3898–3910. 

10. Shen W.F., Benyounes H., Gerbaud V.* Extension of thermodynamic insights on batch extractive distillation to continuous operation, 1. azeotropic mixtures with a heavy entrainer. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2013, 52, 4606-4622. 

9. Shen W.F., Gerbaud V.* Extension of thermodynamic insights on batch extractive distillation to continuous operation, 2. azeotropic mixtures with a light entrainer. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2013, 52, 4623-4637.

8. Benyounes H., Benyahia K., Shen W.F.*, Gerbaud V., Dong L.C., Wei S.A.* Novel procedure for assessment of feasible design parameters of dividing-wall columns: application to non-azeotropic mixtures. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2015, 54 (19), 5307–5318. 

7. Shen W.F., Benyounes H., Gerbaud V.* Extractive distillation: recent advances in operation strategies. Rev. Chem. Eng., 2015, 31(1), 13-26. 

6. Benyounes H.*, Shen W.F., Gerbaud V. Entropy flow and energy efficiency analysis of extractive distillation with a heavy entrainer. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2014, 53 (12), 4778–4791.

5. Long H., Clark J., Benyounes H., Shen W.F.*, Dong L.C., Wei S.A.* Optimal design and economic evaluation of dividing-wall columns. Chem. Eng. Technol., 2016, 39 (6), 1077-1086.

4. Benyahia K., Benyounes H.*, Shen W.F. Energy evaluation of ethanol dehydration with glycol mixture as entrainer. Chem. Eng. Technol., 2014, 37(6), 987–994.

3. Shen W.F., Benyounes H.*, Song J. Thermodynamic topological analysis of extractive distillation of maximum boiling azeotropes. Braz. J. Chem. Eng., 2015, 32 (4), 957-966. 

2. Shen W.F.*, Benyounes H., Dong L.C., Wei S.A.*, Li J., Gerbaud V. Conceptual design of non-ideal mixture separation with light entrainers. Braz. J. Chem. Eng., 2016, 33 (4), 1041–1053.

1. Shen W.F., Benyounes H., Song J. A Review of ternary azeotropic mixtures advanced separation strategies. Theor. Found. Chem. Eng., 2016, 50(1), 28–40.


1.申威峰, 杨傲. 双热耦合三元萃取精馏分离苯-甲苯-环己烷三元共沸体系的方法. 中国, 2018, ZL 2018 1 0566377.1

2. 申威峰, 孙诗瑞. 差压热耦合反应精馏生产2-甲氧基-2-甲基庚烷的方法及系统. 中国, 2019, ZL 2019 1 0078119.3

3. 申威峰, 梁凯. 基于CFD技术的高温活化粉煤灰显热回收模拟分析方法. 中国, 2019, 201910147206.X

4. 申威峰, 李富华. 利用二苄基二硫代氨基甲酸钾制备镍配合物缓蚀剂的方法及其应用. 中国, 2019, 201910201554.0

5. 申威峰, 粟杨.一种基于Tree-LSTM的有机物物理化学性质预测方法. 中国, 2019, 201910500140.8

6. 申威峰, 石涛.带有侧线采出的热集成萃取精馏分离乙酸乙酯-乙醇的节能工艺. 中国, 2019, 201911069377.1

7. 申威峰, 孙诗瑞.一种热集成三塔减压萃取精馏分离乙腈-甲醇-水混合物的方法. 中国, 2019, 201911078629.7

8. 申威峰, 杨傲.一种反应精馏联合萃取精馏分离四氢呋喃-乙醇-水三元共沸体系的方法. 中国, 2019, 201911069550.8

9. 申威峰, 杨傲.一种反应精馏联合侧线萃取精馏分离四氢呋喃-乙醇-水三元共沸体系的方法. 中国, 2019, 201911069550.8

10. 申威峰, 王红.一种热集成甲醇合成四补碳位置的工艺设计. 中国, 2020, 202010741769.4