Benefits of Epsom Salt for Lawns? Does Epsom Salt Kill Grass?

Benefits of Epsom Salt for Lawns

When it comes to gardening, we need to consider a lot of things. Like every other caretaking activity, Gardening is a complex activity that relies on different types of equipment and other ingredients such as rice water & weed killers to succeed. One such ingredient that is heavily debated upon is Epsom salts for gardening. There have been several myths built around the use of Epsom salts for gardening. 

The most common myth is that Epsom salts help flowers bloom faster by allowing for faster seed germination, in turn fertilizing your lawn. Another common myth is that Epsom salts kill bushes and shrubs to help the flowers grow faster. But what exactly should we believe in? This is where we come in. This article will walk you through all the benefits associated with Epsom salts. 

What Is Epsom Salt?

What Is Epsom Salt

Also referred to as magnesium sulfate, Epsom salt has been a household name for decades as a popular remedy for several ailments. Epsom salts have been used to tackle everything from muscle soreness to clinical stress. These are affordable, easy to use, and completely harmless when used appropriately. Given their chemical structure, Epsom salts are entirely different from table salts. This is because Epsom salts contain sulfur and magnesium, which many believe improves soil health. 

Benefits Of Epsom Salts 

As we mentioned above, Epsom salts contain magnesium and sulfur, which many consider a good combination at improving their soil’s health. If you have wondered at how your neighbor’s lawn looks better than yours despite making the highest of efforts, then the answer to that is Epsom salt. Many have touted Epsom salt to be highly valued organic fertilizers that can offer countless benefits to your lawn. So how exactly do Epsom salt benefit your property? Here are some of the benefits of Epsom salt.

1. Gives Your Grass A Lush Green Look

There’s no point in going through all those efforts to maintain your lawn if it doesn’t have that lush green shade you want. A freshly mowed lawn with a natural green look only adds to the beauty of your garden and house as well. But at times, the conditions around may leave us with dull, yellow, and malnourished grass which only adds to the frustration. In this case, using Epsom salts throughout the grass might help the grass regain a natural green shade. Simply sprinkle a mixer of water and Epsom salt throughout the grass at least once a month. 

2. Helps In Foliage Maintenance

The lawn grass blades, if malnourished, tend to turn yellow and slightly curl over time. Suppose you have noticed curved grass blades in your lawn; it’s an indicator of low magnesium content within the soil. In such cases, introducing your soil to Epsom salts may help rebuild the desired magnesium content. To do so, you can sprinkle a mixer of water and Epsom salts every month. Alternatively, you douse the grassroots with the same solution. 

3. Helps Accelerate The Growth 

One proven benefit of dousing your plants with Epsom salts is faster growth. If you want flowers in your garden to blossom quickly, try adding a mixture of water and Epsom salts directly to the soil. For best results, water your plants every three weeks with water and Epsom solution. This is one of the simplest and perhaps the most cost-effective ways to help your flowers bloom.

4. Works As a Natural Pesticide

The last thing you need to worry about is losing your garden to pests and other insects. Although there is no proof of this benefit, many continue to believe that Epsom salts work as a natural pesticide and keep those pests away from your lawn. You can always experiment with this site by using a spray conducting pump containing a mixture of water and Epsom salts. In addition, spraying your plants with Epsom salts will help keep away rats and rodents. 

Epsom Salt: Facts And Myths

Epsom Salt: Facts And Myths

As we mentioned earlier, you may have come across different speculations surrounding the use of Epsom salts. There have been countless myths about the various drawbacks and benefits Epsom salts have to offer throughout the years. Therefore, here we will try to segregate the two. 

1. Does Epsom Salt Kill Grass?

No! There is no scientific proof of evidence that indicates that Epsom salt kills grass. For decades, landscapers have been dousing their soil with a water and Epsom salt mixture. And the only thing they can conclusively say is that the medicine only helps with accelerated plant growth and keeps away the pesticides. This is because Epsom salts contain of magnesium and sulfur, which happen to be two key ingredients required for the growth of grass and plants. So NO, Epsom salts do not kill the grass. Instead, they help them grow better.

NOTE: Always mix Epsom salts with water. Do NOT mix Epsom salts with VINEGAR, ultimately damaging the weeds. 

2. Does Epsom Salt Kill Weeds?

Yes! Epsom salts have been known to kill weeds for generations. This is because Epsom salts are a chemical mixture of magnesium and sulfur. These are two of the most vital ingredients required for plant growth. However, adding a mix of water and Epsom salts to the soil keeps the soil from taking in other nutrients such as calcium.

Due to lack of nutrients, these plants, over time, tend to wither and die. Thus, Epsom salts are an excellent way to kill weeds. The best way of doing so is by mixing Epsom salts with vinegar and spraying them wherever there is maximum weed growth. However, you should note that Epsom salt is harmful for the environment and therefore, a good weed killer should be used to kill the weed present in your lawn.

3. Does Epsom Salt Make Your Lawn Green?

Yes! One of the key benefits of using Epsom salts is that they help your grass achieve that much-needed green shade. If the grass lacks the necessary nutrients, it becomes malnourished and grows yellowish. In such cases, spraying a mixture of water and Epsom salts over the grass at least once a month provides the soil with all necessary ingredients required to produce chlorophyll.

Also read: Will Chlorine Kill Grass?


There is more to gardening than just mowing and watering your lawn. One has to know the exact ways using which they maximum results out of a single gardening session. Therefore, our article successfully differentiated between the myths and the facts that surround Epsom salts. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Epsom salts, also known as magnesium sulfate, are a naturally occurring mineral that can be used as a fertilizer for lawns. They are especially beneficial for soil that is low in magnesium, as magnesium is an essential nutrient for plants. Epsom salts can help improve the overall health and appearance of a lawn by promoting strong, healthy grass growth and improving the soil’s structure.

To apply Epsom salts to your lawn, you will need to dissolve the salts in water and then apply the solution to the grass using a watering can or a hose-end sprayer. It is generally recommended to use 2 cups of Epsom salts per 1,000 square feet of lawn, but the exact amount will depend on the specific needs of your lawn and the recommendations of a soil test.

The best time to apply Epsom salts to your lawn will depend on the specific needs of your grass and the climate in your area. In general, it is best to apply Epsom salts to your lawn in the early spring or fall, when the weather is cooler and the grass is growing more slowly. This will give the salts time to be absorbed by the grass and soil, and will also minimize the risk of the salts burning the grass.

Epsom salts can be used on a variety of different types of lawns, including cool-season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass, and warm-season grasses like Bermuda grass and St. Augustine grass. However, it is important to be aware that Epsom salts may not be suitable for all types of grass, and it is always a good idea to consult with a local lawn care professional or a soil testing service to determine the specific needs of your lawn.

Unlike weedkillers, epsom salts are generally considered safe for use around pets and children, as long as they are used as directed. However, it is important to keep in mind that pets and children may be more sensitive to the effects of Epsom salts than adults, and it is always a good idea to keep them out of reach to prevent accidental ingestion.

Epsom salts can be used in conjunction with other lawn care products, such as fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. However, it is important to carefully read and follow the instructions on the labels of all products to ensure that they are used safely and effectively.

The amount of time it will take for Epsom salts to show results on your lawn will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific needs of your grass, the climate in your area, and the overall health of your soil. Generally, it may take several weeks or even months for the effects of Epsom salts to be noticeable on your lawn. Regular watering and proper mowing can help to encourage healthy grass growth and maximize the benefits of Epsom salts.

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