Should You Water Grass After Mowing? | Answered

Should you water grass after mowing it

There are many popular gardening questions like How often to water grass seed or should you water grass after mowing. Today, we will answer you the later question in this post. Water helps the grass recover from the stress of a good mow. Additionally, this is somewhat true, in contrast to many other Internet tidbits.

After mowing, watering the lawn is a good idea, but only if the grass needs it. The lawn needs watering if your footsteps are still visible after you walk over it. Watering will exacerbate issues if the soil is already wet. The optimum time to water is always first in the morning to avoid spreading fungus and disease.

Should I Water My Lawn After Mowing It Or Before Moving It?

should i water my lawn after mowing

If your lawn is dry, soaking it after mowing will help it recover from the stress of mowing. However, if the soil is wet, you shouldn’t be concerned. There is already enough water for your yard. Either overwatering makes your lawn more prone to fungal and root rot or encouraging shallow root growth makes the grass more susceptible to heat and drought.

You may determine whether it needs to be mowed by strolling across your lawn. It’s time to water if you can see your tracks in the grass when you turn around. Don’t water until you’ve checked the weather. Save yourself the hassle and extra cost on your water bill if rain is predicted for the near future.

No way should you water your grass before cutting it! You can simply avoid several issues by waiting to mow wet grass.

These issues comprise:

  • A messy grass. The wetness causes the grass blades to sag, which causes the mower blades to cut unevenly.
  • Compaction of wet soil is common, particularly when using a powerful mower ( for eg- Troy Bilt TB130).
  • Since it is slick, you are more prone to fall and hurt yourself on wet grass.
  • The grass is torn instead of cut when the blades are dull. In particular, when wet, tears are more prone to illness and fungi than cuts. It furthers the appearance of sloppiness.
  • Clumps of wet-cut grass obstruct the bottom deck. Just pushing the mower across the grass will require much more effort. You’ll also need to spread out or eliminate clumps to keep them from shadowing the grass below instead of letting the grass cuttings decompose naturally.
  • You risk electrocuting yourself or shorting out the motor if you use an electric mower.

Unique Scenario When Should You Water Grass After Mowing It 

We’ll address these and other situations lower down the page where it’s not a good idea to give your lawn a drink after mowing. However, there is one circumstance in which it is always wise to water your lawn…

Just imagine it. You’ve chosen to start your day by mowing the lawn because it’s early in the morning. With no trouble, you start the mower, slowly mow the lawn, and then turn it off to appreciate your deft work. 

However, as you turn back in the direction of your mower after removing the grass catcher and approaching your yard waste can, you discover a trail of footprints in the grass. This is an undeniable indication that your lawn needs water and is dry. It’s also a terrific opportunity to provide for it now because it’s still early in the day.

So, to sum up, You should water your lawn immediately after you’ve completed mowing if it’s early in the day and your lawn exhibits signs of dryness or thirst.

Unique Scenarios When You Should Not Water Grass After Mowing 

should i water my lawn after mowing

Watering your lawn might be harmful in some situations and at particular times of the day. Because of this, the answer to the question “Should I water my lawn after mowing?” would be NO in each of the situations listed below.

You’re Mowing in the Evening – If you can only mow in the evening due to scheduling conflicts, postpone watering until another day. Watering now could result in practically the exact opposite issue from the one mentioned earlier. As the temperature cools and the sun sets, any excess water not absorbed by your grass will sit there, producing the ideal condition for fungal lawn concerns such as mold and mildew.

Don’t water it if you’ve been following a regular watering plan and your grass isn’t parched and thirsty. Overwatering a lawn is just as bad as underwatering a lawn. It can result in shallow rooting or even the fungal concerns stated in the previous point if the weather isn’t scorching (if winter, late fall, or early spring, for example).

You’re Mowing in the Heat of the Day – This is especially true in the summer; chances are, you avoid mowing when the sun is at its brightest. However, if you’re one of those insane people who can stand the heat and find yourself out on your lawn while the temps are high, you should switch off your lawn sprinkler afterward.

Why is now the worst time to water? Because of the high temperatures, much of the water will evaporate before your grass has a chance to drink. This raises your water bill while providing little significant benefit to your lawn.

How Soon Should You Water Grass After Mowing It? 

You can water your lawn right away if you mow your lawn in the early morning. This enables the water to soak deeply into the soil before the day’s heat evaporates it and also enables speedy drying of the grass. Freshly cut grass is more susceptible to fungi and disease, which is okay when it rapidly dries off but far worse if left wet overnight.

If you have to mow at night, water it the next day or do it the following day. Watering your lawn at night remains wet all night, making it susceptible to fungus and disease. The grass is very fragile immediately following a shearing.

Only water your grass after mowing if it needs it, in either case! Furthermore, you are not required to water and mow your lawn simultaneously.

Can I Fertilize The Lawn After Mowing It? 

If you mow your grass first, you may fertilize it afterward. You can more readily apply synthetic fertilizer and organic compost to the soil by trimming the grass to help the soil become more receptive to these substances.

The grass trimmings must be removed from the compost pile if fertilizer is to be applied. The path of the fertilizers will be blocked if the grass cuttings are not removed. After fertilizer application, you must wait a week before mowing once more.

 What To Do After Watering and Mowing The Lawn? 

  • Examine the bottom mower deck and blades, and clean them as needed. At least twice a year, and especially every time you cut wet or tall grass, you should do this. Since the grass blades can’t stand upright for a clean cut when encrusted with grass, the disease is distributed across your freshly mowed lawn.
  • Grass clippings can be left where they are, scattered out if they are too thick, or bagged and added to your compost pile. Fresh grass clippings don’t contribute to thatch issues and are a great FREE nitrogen supply.
  • Recycle any leftover grass clippings from driveways and paths back onto the lawn. (While a lawn blower is an option, your neighbors would prefer it if you didn’t.) This improves the appearance of your yard and prevents jams in the storm drains caused by stray clippings.
  • If necessary, water the yard.


Walk across your lawn to determine whether it needs to be watered before turning on the sprinkler. The times for watering and mowing are not always coordinated. Additionally, check the forecast first. If a rainstorm is expected, you can tidy up while admiring the raindrops trickling down the windowpanes, safe in the knowledge that your grass is in good care.

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